Friday, April 28, 2006

No more school!!! :)

I finished school on Wednesday and I am so glad! No more torturous assignments! I also got the job I wanted and I start on Monday! It’s going to be a bit crazy because I’m going to a Ladies Conference for the weekend; I get home Sunday afternoon and then I have to work on Monday and I still haven’t finished unpacking from school! I’m working for someone who does shift work so I have every Friday off and I don’t always work in the mornings. Anyways, I'm off now to pack for the weekend!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

"Will you marry me?"

Last night as I was studying psychology and listening to country songs a VERY random thought popped into my head. When a guy says "Will you marry me?" I think it is very UN-romantic. It reminds me of someone saying "will you pass the salt?" On top of being unromantic it's also very unoriginal. Millions of other guys have used that same phrase. Millions of women have answered "yes" to that very unromantic question. Why do guys bother spending their time planning up romantic ways to propose and then ask in such an unromantic way? Ok, so it's not as bad as a guy saying "Marry me" I think that's just rude;) But I would think they could be a little more original in their asking.
I had a great proposal idea last night but alas, I cannot remember it. If any of you have original and romantic ideas of propsing I'd love to hear them! Maybe some guys will read this post and pick up some ideas ;)

Monday, April 24, 2006


I can just imagine the fun I'd have eating this! Oh, I wish!!!

I see a light at the end of this dark tunnel known as school!

I am finally done two tests! I had my Curriculum Development and Guidance test today. I really did not like those classes and couldn't be happier to see them done! Although I do unfortunately have Curriculum Development next semester but no more Guidance! Ever! No more listening to someone tell us we can't say "no" to children and that we have to ignore some bad behaviours because it will give them low self esteem if we address them. None of us liked that class...I wonder why they bother to teach it. Oh well, I never have to put up with it again!
Tomorrow morning I have my Psychology test. I am looking forward to that one! I really liked Psych. I had a great teacher who made it all very interesting. And it helps that the tests are all multiple choice! On Wednesday I have my very last test of the semester in Child Development! It was also a very interesting subject. This test will be on adolescence to mid-teens. Shouldn't be too hard, it's mostly multiple choice with three VERY short essay questions. Anyways, I'm sure you all enjoyed reading about my tests;) I have to go so I can study.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

"I should be sleeping,'stead of keeping these late hours, I've been keeping"

Yawn, it's late...I should be studying or sleeping but instead I am blogging! I need to come up with a way to do all three together...;)
I just thought I'd let ya'll know that I have a job interview tomorrow afternoon! It's a nanny job for a 4 1/2 year old and 17 month old. Both are boys! =0 They are actually the same ages as the boys I watched last summer so I think I'm qualified;) The job would be four days a week from the end of April until the end of August. I just thought I'd post that joyous bit of news! I must get to sleep now!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I am so excited! I am done classes for this semester!!! I had my last one today and instead of it being 3 hours, we only had class for 1 1/2 hours! So nice! Next week I have four tests...not so excited about those. I think I'll enjoy the psychology test though; 100 mulitple choice questions... chances are I'll pass :-D Well, I have to go do some studying and other wonderful things like that. I just thought I'd share my excitement with all of you wonderful people who read my blog!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Jessi came up!

I had such an enjoyable Easter Holiday! Last Wednesday Jessi came up as a surprise. She had told us that she'd be up on Thursday but she drove up a day early to surprise us all. Paul couldn't come because of work. I had a great time just talking to her and hanging out! Just like we used to! It was so fun! She had come up for the Easter conference, which was really good!
On Thursday we went shopping, and on Friday and Saturday we were at the Easter Conference. The speakers, Joe Mikhael and Mike Atwood, were really good and they both have such a passion for God. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to them. I helped in the nursery on Friday and so I got to watch Joe Mikhael's daughter. She is SO cute!
So yeah, that's basically my weekend, hanging out with family and friends, going to the conference, and meeting new friends=)
There are some great pictures of the weekend on Jessi's blog

Time wasting movie clips! Wonderful way to spend a two hour lunch break!

Some great movie clips I just found:
Master Juggler
Dancing Pilot
Trampoline Hang
Supermarket Groovin'
Car Soccer
Mistakes on Ice
Speed Skating
Crazy Jumps

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Eagle Cam

This is a very cool website! It's live feed from an Eagles nest with two eggs in it! CAMERA

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Adventures of two students in Oshawa!

Today Michelle and I wanted to go for a walk. So we did. We were walking down Simcoe and we saw this LOVELY house. The McLaughlin House. Of course Michelle and I couldn't pass it without going in to explore the grounds. Yes, you usually need to book a tour, but we decided to give ourselves a self guided tour and so we decided we didn't have to pay;) So we wandered all over the place. The website has some wonderful pictures to look at. It was so pretty there that we didn't want to leave. It doesn't look quite as nice as in the pictures because they don't have all the flowers or water yet. So after wandering around the whole place, we decided to leave. Only we didn't want to go out the front gate in case someone saw us...So, we wandered around the chain-link fence at the back looking for a way out. There was a pile of leaves and tree branches composting right beside the fence that we were going to climb up and then jump over the fence. But when we got up there we decided we would probably hurt ourselves if we jumped over. So Michelle, being the smart girl she is, discovered that we could crawl under the gate in the fence! So we did...only after crawling out from under the fence we discovered that there were signs posted all over the place that said the property was under video surveillance =O So then we spent the next 10 minutes of our walk discussing how to explain ourselves if we were caught...Michelle's idea was to claim ignorance to the signs being there. Which is true, we didn't see them til after we left. But nothing happened...and you better not report us! ;)

Drivers Test

I have re-booked my drivers test! It was supossed to be next Tuesday but because of the strike I am still going to be in school. So now it's for the 11th of May! Yay! Does anyone have a small car they want to lend me?;) I hate the station wagon! I can't forward park it let alone reverse or parallel park:-p


Excitement of yesterday! Michelle was craving a waffle ALL day long! So last night she decided she would eat one. She went upstairs, got a waffle, came back downstairs and stuck it in the toaster oven. About 30 seconds later I heard a strange noise. It sounded like a cockroach flying (eww eww eww) =) So I looked up and saw smoke coming out of where the toaster oven was plugged into an extension cord. There was smoke billowing out of where the cords were plugged in! The first thing that popped into my head was that there was a cloud of bugs coming out of the plug! But then I got realistic and realized it was smoke. So I yelled "MICHELLE WE'RE SMOKING!!!" and she came running and we turned off the power and tried to rescue the extension cord but it was melted to the toaster oven cord! After getting the toaster oven off our counter space we got excited because our coffee machine, that we make tea in, can sit on the counter now! Michelle was funny she said "while other people would be swearing about the toaster all we do is get excited about the counter space!" It was hilarious! Great study break!
What an exciting day!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Not So Happy Tree Friends

Just thought I'd share a website that my brother loves with ya'll. Oh, that would be Caleb who likes it. HAPPY TREE FRIENDS Not for little children or big babies...Violent cartoons!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

How well do you know Esther?

I have decided to copy my dear sister and see how much everyone knows me! Here is a cool quiz for you all to take! CLICK HERE!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Semi Formal!

Here is the happy group that went to the semi formal last Thursday. That is my new hair color! I'll add more pictures when I get them!