Monday, January 30, 2006

Good times at school!

Funny thing happened on Monday. I was in the school caff with some of my friends and one of the "D.J.'S" (from freQ -the school music station) was asking people about this thing to do with bus passes and parking passes. So my friends and I thought that if we looked like we were studying he wouldn't come talk to us...We were wrong. He saw us and said "oh look, here are some girls who think if they look like they are studying I won't talk to them." So he came over and was asking what we thought of the pass. Two of them didn't care, I had "no comment" and the third was laughing to hard to say much:) But it was funny.


Jessica Morris said...

Haha - sounds fun =) I want to come hang out at school with you!!

Essie said...

Yay! Feel free!!!