Saturday, March 24, 2007

Theme: Empty

I posted this late last night so I didn't write much. But I've been asked to explain this picutre so I wiil:)
This picture was taken in Nigeria. The Nigerian houses near where I was don't have any running water so they get it all at wells or at the stream. So these buckets are all empty and are waiting to be filled at a well.


Anonymous said...

Empty buckets? You're having a water rationing kid of thing going on?

PowersTwinB said...

Oh please tell us more about all those empty buckets lined up outside of the house! My photo is up, please come and visit

Unknown said...

Great choice for the week and your nephew is beautiful!

Andree said...

I'm glad you wrote that. It is a great lesson about other parts of the world for us! And a wonderful photo!

Patty said...

How interesting. I am glad that I have running water. It must be a hard way of life to have to get water that way. Nice photo

Anonymous said...

wow, that is A LOT of buckets to fill!!