Thursday, May 04, 2006

No more princes left... :'(

I think I have killed my Prince Charming...well, my second one:( About three years ago, Jessi ran over a frog. I think that was my first prince. Last night I was driving home and I popped a frog, I heard him pop when I ran over him!!! It was so gross I slowed down to 50km on a 80km road. Eww Eww still grosses me out! I have killed my prince:( What are the chaces of there being a third??? ;)


Jessica Morris said...

Lol!!! You are too funny!!! You should have stopped to confirm that the frogs were males... what would that imply if you were sad that a female 'prince charming' of yours was run over???

Essie said...

Hmm...the very fact they did not move out of dangers way but instead stayed to see if a car would in fact kill them is all I need to know to know they are indeed males:-p

Anonymous said...

Essie said...

Hmm...the very fact they did not move out of dangers way but instead stayed to see if a car would in fact kill them is all I need to know to know they are indeed males:-p

what us males have to go through.
and once you kill your prince charming frog, then you get a toad. so you probally killed some on else's prince charming.

Essie said...

Thanks know how to make me feel great;)

Anonymous said...

LOL stop killing animals lol :) jks. (i run over curbs and stuff but not anything alive yet!)